
“Faith is taking the first step without seeing the whole staircase”
– Martin Luther King Jr.

I am a firm believer that nothing in life happens by accident. We are all part of a Master Plan. We are not robots. We always have a choice. No matter the outcome, we can learn, apply, and improve. Faith, trust, and, a positive outlook are key.

There’s no wrong in asking tough questions, longing for answers, or wondering why. Given strong headwinds, we need adjust our sails. Upon feeling the heat of the moment. Let it pass. And move on.

This is how we get experience, gain wisdom, and grow. Challenge and change are integral parts of the plan. Life’s most profound paradoxes lie in the balance. Capitalizing isn’t easy. But there’s immense upside!

Life either happens to you, or, you make it happen. In the face of incredible challenges, amazing opportunities, and, a constant sea of change, I’ll provide a map. All you need do is call.

Of course, you can go it on your own, and follow the Christopher Columbus Theory. He set out not knowing where he was going. He arrived not knowing where he was. And he left not knowing where he had been.

As your Brand Agent©, however, I’d strongly recommend you chart a different course!

Thinking Along the Way:

    • Where can you go?
    • How will you get there?
    • What will you become?

Tools of the Trade:

  • Assess
  • Ideate
  • Strategize