
“Do what’s right and be the best at it” – Paddy Hayes, CEO, Waterford Crystal

As a Brand Agent©, questioning everything, assuming nothing, imagining possibilities, and finding what fits comes naturally. Of course, I realize most people don’t work this way.

Things have a certain semblance of order, go together logically, and, always add up. In the world of branding, however, it’s never an open and shut case. Seeing things differently is key. That’s where I come in.

As a young copywriter in the big advertising world, I learned the best way of thinking “outside-the-box” was to not put myself in one. The same logic still applies. My unique perspective, creative approach, and differentiating thought process enable clients to experience the world in new and better ways.

We all know in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace the “same old, same old” just won’t cut it. Now you have someone to call!

Key Considerations:

    • Who are you?
    • What can you become?
    • Why are you waiting?

Tools of the Trade:

  • Visualization
  • Contemplation
  • Conceptualization